Absolutely agree.
I spent three days in a mental hospital once because some doctor thought I was suicidal (I was not), but really because I'd been abused and I said so but my mother said I hadn't been, and the doctor believed her and decided I was delusional.
Meanwhile there was a man in that psych ward at the same time I was who stalked me for two days, then physically embraced a 16-year-old girl who was brought to the ward the next day. HE was there voluntarily, unlike me. When they tried to move him to a ward for violent people, he simply discharged himself and sauntered out.
I, who was no threat to anyone, myself included? I had to testify at a hospital hearing and win my freedom.
Was justice done? Of course not.
I suspect he went on to be a public menace, as you're describing. Me, I got my life together.
But there are many more girls like me who have been locked in psych wards for weeks or months for minor offenses against society's preferences.
And there are many more guys like him who belong behind bars, or at least in a locked ward, who instead are walking around freely.