Actually “learned helplessness” is…not really a thing.
You’re wrapping up the “freeze” trauma response, which is a fear response that requires active community support; with your perception of bad faith intentions or manipulation, which is a completely different thing and has no trauma roots whatsoever. So which is it?
“Learned helplessness” as a theory has a lot of doubters for this very reason.
Conflating a physiological trauma response that is overwhelming and uncontrollable and unconscious, with a manipulative effort to inappropriately seek help from the wrong source, is rooted in a misunderstanding of what is actually happening and a too-easy willingness to condemn trauma survivors.
The “freeze” response is not pathological. Forcing survivors to ignore our bodies and push through pain for too long is what produces long-standing future pathology like narcissism.
The personality disorder behaviors are pathological, but they are a response to society’s inappropriate and absurd expectations.