All of this.
The madonna/whore complex is regular and it is insane. Too many men I encounter, particularly religious men, seem convinced that women ought to be virgins, pure, modest, and chaste....regardless of how old we are or in what context they meet us.
The same men who think nothing of going out to strip clubs or hooking up with strangers would dismiss a woman who acted exactly the same way for "having no respect for herself."
It's exhausting.
And it is about insecurity: about the idea that if we know what else is out there, why would we ever choose this guy?
Guys who are terrified of other men "stealing" 'their' woman are not ready to be in a relationship.
And guys who are turned off or intimidated by a woman who freely expresses her sexuality are guys who are secretly afraid they won't meet her sexual expectations.
Women know all this....and yet these guys still manage to do a lot of damage.