Hold on. A lot of the things people do without considering others can be dangerous. That neighbor irritated by smoke might have asthma, and smoke might send her to the hospital. I’ve called the police on loud house parties you can hear blocks away because I get migraines so bad they put me in the hospital. It is true that police can make situations worse, but it is also true that for those of us who are already very vulnerable, like children or the disabled, police and the threat of police do a lot to protect our safety.
It’s also true that too many people lack basic consideration for others. You don’t have a legal right to own a dog that barks at all hours and disturbs or threatens your neighbors. Sorry, but you don’t. You don’t have a legal right to trigger your neighbor’s asthma attack.
It’s perfectly reasonable for disabled people and people with newborns to want to be safe and to assert that right.
And yeah, my right not to go to the hospital should trump someone else’s right to do whatever the duck they want.