I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I did skim through your article. There are several important points you missed. First, so many Jews went into banking specifically because moneylending was stigmatized as a profession, and thus was one of the only professions Jews were allowed to enter. Second, you make a lot of generalizations about how many Jews became wealthy during the hundreds of years you peruse in your article. "Many Jews", "A large percentage of Jews", "Most Ashkenazi Jews" etc. That rather seems to be like saying that if Trump exists and most billionaires are white men, then every white men must be rich. The very fact that you can only name 3-4 Jews who became extremely rich and remembered to any extent by history for their wealth, should indicate to you how rare that was.
The entire crux of your article essentially states that if some Jews manage to achieve wealth, however small a percentage that is in fact, then clearly Jewish people do in fact have some conspiracy to seek power.
Imagine if a white person wrote an article saying, "Black people have been welcomed into the upper echelons of power! Clearly Black people want to take over the world! This one Black person a century ago said they had real political power, oh no, whatever shall we do?!"
That's what you just did.
I hope that if I wrote that article, you would call me a racist. In this case, sir, you are in fact antisemitic.