I really, really needed to read this today.
I met this guy. He followed me around for a week, sang me a romantic song, flirted with me, then when I directly asked him if he wanted to hook up--because that's what I wanted, since I'd already realized that he couldn't carry himself emotionally--he freaked out and insisted he just wanted to be friends and insisted I was crazy. When I told him I didn't want to be friends, because why would I, he told me I had embarrassed myself by, I guess, wanting him/wanting sex/being unladylike and overly direct/making him briefly uncomfortable by expressing my own wants and needs/??
I blamed myself for that encounter for years/ YEARs. Because I couldn't understand how he had gone from completely into me, to cruel and malicious and immature and despicable and narcissistic and willing to undermine me emotionally to make himself feel a little superior.
I still don't understand. Because I can't relate.
I'm just not like that.
I'll never really understand men like that.
But I don't need to understand to protect myself.