I think the idea of spiritual coaching is a really interesting one. We've gone full circle, as a species. Suddenly we are back to having highly valued Medicine Men (and women, and queer people) and that's awesome, but just like in tribal cultures, these people just are not created equal. Moreover, just like in tribal cultures, these Medicine Men are not necessarily relying on scientific reasoning or logic when they craft their "remedies." They are combining personal experience, which might not be possible to extrapolate from so easily as they think; with 'spiritual insight,' with basic hard skills, etc.
We would be better served pursuing hard skills for ourselves, learning them in much cheaper settings, and then gaining our own wisdom through both trial and error, and consuming the wisdom of other cultures' spiritual traditions. We don't need these people to pre-digest our wisdom for us. We also don't need to pretend that just because someone has a hard skill, means they're necessarily qualified to teach it to others.