It can be really confusing. Like, do other women hate me because I’m fat and it’s easy..or because I’m curvy and cute and for whatever reason, guys seem very drawn to me? I’ve had women I thought were much hotter than me just totally explode at me and accuse me of the strangest things, and at the time I just thought they were having some sort of mental break, but now I think they were jealous because in spite of clearly working hard at their bodies, guys thought they were mean and had a bad attitude and just didn’t like them as people.
So it goes beyond looks, is I guess what I’m saying. Women who are genuinely kind and glowing and ambitious and intelligent tend to have a positive impact on other people. That’s really hard to fake. Girls who think they’re ugly hate us, but so do girls who work really hard to be beautiful and hit all the external notes but can’t hold a candle to women who glow from within.
They think it’s unfair!