Thanks. I really appreciated reading this article today.
I have to meet with HR at my work tomorrow.
My organization has really messed up. My direct supervisor violated my boundaries in ways that match the legal definition of a pattern of sexual harassment. They've discriminated against me as a disabled employee. When I complained, they stripped all my professional responsibilities, without actually suspending me or filing any official reprimand or other negative action.
So I got a lawyer.
The organization is now in serious trouble. But they're too stupid to even know that much.
They're really, really sure that because I said some things they consider inappropriate, basically, it all comes out in the wash.
The fact that the "inappropriate" things I said were basically 'I'm angry, and here's why', and that this is not and never will be a justification for illegal violations of ADA code or retaliation, seems to have escaped them.
Privilege and arrogance have led them to believe that their perception is infallible--that they are right, because they must be right, because they are the ones in power.
I refuse to be a support person for privileged incompetent people any longer.