Member-only story
The things we do not say, become
The things that will shape a life
They grow larger for not being said
Things like, I am afraid I am not crazy
After all I am
Afraid it is my brain (it is)
And not my mind
That is causing all this trouble
And I wanted to marry you
As soon as I met you
I thought you would think that was weird
But it’s true
My stomach stretches
I have been taught to find this disgusting
But it is evidence of how badly
I want to live
I walk around naked sometimes
And look at myself in mirrors
And do not kill myself
In punishment for what I see
I would like to live in a house
With no mirrors
Better yet a house
Where mirrors are meaningless
Porn and five-speed vibrators and
Ex football players and athletes are
All parts of the world but
Nothing is as exciting as he is
Ordinary human beings and love
Are not as incompatible
As they seem on tv