We all are entitled to our own experiences. And we are all entitled to describe those experiences as we choose. But this article is framed from the get-go as a commentary on the experience of thinness. The title of the article specifically gestures towards fat positivity and/or the question of thin privilege. Had the writer introduced her experience in a different way, she would likely have gotten fewer reads, but she would also have avoided an antagonistic relationship with fat activism.
As it is--her work is not a commentary on fat discrimination, which is structural. Her personal experience actually does not engage with sizeist discrimination at all. Her experience speaks to the impact of illness on her life and body, and how others engage with it. None of that actually has anything to do with thin privilege, or with sizeism.
Which would be fine, if she had stayed in her lane and not brought these questions up. But she did.
She herself did, with her title and framing. Not me.
Let people share their stories! But let them do so in a way that does not imply that they have something to say about structural oppression they've not experienced, when in fact they do not.
It is unwise to suggest that a comment "may be read" a specific way. Words mean things. Criticizing a disabled writer for how she chooses to represent her disability is not inherently ableist. None of us are immune from criticism, nor should be.